Benefits of Flutter App Development | FlutterDesk

Flutter has been the utmost priority of developers to choose when it comes to selecting a framework for app development. It is much surprising to know the fact that flutter has gained exceptional popularity in such a short period. Since Google launched flutter 3 years ago, it was not that easy for any development framework to gain the developer’s interest. But due to the obvious benefits of flutter app development, developers can’t resist going with flutter for any of their app development projects. Mobile app development trends are evolving day by day. Similarly, the technologies are trying their best to find a way to distinguish themselves from others to build robust apps. There is no doubt that flutter possesses most of the features which are necessary for delivering the best development experience. Its single codebase for cross-platform development is one of the main reasons that it dominates other platforms, straightforwardly. Many businesses look forward to hiring a flutter developer to turn their ideas into real-world easy-to-use apps. Mobile phone users have grown extremely fast in a couple of years. There is no possibility that the potential of uplifting your business with mobile apps is going to end anytime soon. Let’s move forward to getting to know what flutter is and what are the benefits of flutter app development. What is Flutter? Flutter is Google’s launched development framework that has been around us since early 2015. Its stable release came out later in 2018 as a complete and ready-to-code framework. In simple words, flutter is a cross-platform development framework for building mobile, web, and desktop apps using a single codebase. Gone are the days when you had to write the code separately to move towards another platform. Flutter has transformed the development trend and laid a transparent, fast, and productive development experience. Flutter continues to improve the developer experience and introduces newer and better features with time. Benefits of Flutter App Development Fast Development The time required to finish the developing process is the stakeholder’s major concern when it comes to mobile app development. The time required to complete a project depends upon the development framework and the resources it would take. There are a couple of useful features in Flutter that collectively make development fast. One of the main features in this regard is the hot reload feature. It works by injecting updated source code files into the running Dart Virtual Machine (VM). The Virtual Machine updates the classes with the new versions of fields and functions. After that, the Flutter framework automatically rebuilds the widget tree, allowing you to quickly view the effects of your changes. Moving forward, consider how much it would help the developer-designer relationship. For example, your designer can prompt your Flutter engineer to make changes, such as changing the position of a button. The developer can make the changes in the code and see the outcomes right away. Similarly, he will be informing the designer if the button is in the right position or not. There is no need to wait longer for the runtime, which causes delays in the consequences. Single Codebase for Multiple Platforms One of the most distinguishing and reliable benefits of flutter app development is its cross-platform development. Before flutter came into the game, it was much more time-consuming and expensive to build apps for more than one platform. Flutter is a single codebase framework, which means that you have to write the code only once. And this code will be compatible with all other platforms (mobile, web, desktop). You’ll not find any other framework that offers code reusability and allows you to write just one codebase. This cuts down development time to a much greater extent and ultimately reduces cost. Moreover, flutter has a lot of ready-to-use customizable widgets, unlike other platforms. It takes a lot of time and effort to create widgets and implement them in the app. With Flutter, you don’t have to worry about creating the widgets as there are plenty of widgets already available in it. You can select a relevant widget and readily implement it in the app saving considerable time and struggle. High-Performance Apps Application performance is probably one of the key features when building a good UX. In earlier updates, Flutter has improved rendering performance by 50 % on new iOS devices. Additionally, it reduced memory consumption by over 70%. This fact displays the great picture of the benefits of flutter app development over another software development kit (SDK) you choose to follow. It is due to the native app development of Flutter that the apps built with this framework have high performance. One of Flutter’s benefits is that it doesn’t rely on creating manual widgets. The application already has built-in widgets which minimize any performance errors in the process. Flutter does not need a JavaScript barrier to interact with native components and has a powerful rendering engine, ‘Skia’. Flutter shows comparatively high performance if we compare it with other frameworks like Ionic or react native. Best for MVPs MVPs have become a must-have asset for every startup as they can help you validate your idea and possibly get you the initial funding for your project. Flutter encourages MVP development as an open-source framework. With Flutter’s increased popularity and pace of the development process, app development becomes simplified. MVPs are small, basic app versions with minimal functionality and essential features that are easy to build and launch. We build MVPs to test the concept, collect the first feedback, and unlock growth opportunities to make a better app in the next iteration. Without an MVP, businesses can’t have an idea of how effective and productive their business could be. As it is useless to move to development blindly, you need to have an MVP developed. Flutter app development is a great choice for MVP development as this SDK is extensive, easy to understand, and delivers excellent apps. Customizable Widgets As discussed earlier, Flutter offers more than 390 widgets to help developers throughout the

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