Flutter Development in Android Studio – A Beginner’s Guide

Launched in May 2013, Android Studio is one of the most popular IDE- Integrated Development Environments used for Android application development. Although Android Studio is not a necessity, it has become one, especially for Flutter developers. It is easy to install and configure and the guideline about Flutter development in Android Studio would be enough to help you get started. With Android Studio, you can develop and test your application on a real device or even on an emulator. For your Studio, make sure to install the 3.0 version or later. The reason is simple, later versions provide an integrated IDE experience for the Flutter developers. Before you begin with the Flutter development in Android Studio, it is preferable to get a brief understanding of Flutter and its plugins. Developed by Google, Flutter is a free, open-source framework and a complete SDK, majorly used to develop cross-platform applications. This simply means that you can create Android, iOS and web applications by using a single codebase. Flutter uses Dart. Google is working hard to refine this brainchild further by offering stable support for Linux and macOS as well. In modern times, Flutter is attracting a huge part of the developer community through the temptation of its exceedingly unified approach.   Without any delay, let us work our way towards the installation and set-up of flutter in Android Studio. Follow these steps to enable Flutter in Android Studio. Installation of Flutter and Dart Plugins on Android Studio With the successful installation of your Android Studio, it is time to get Flutter and set up Dart plugins. Great! You have done well this far. Now let’s get to know how to create a new project. Creating a New Project in Flutter: A Quick 3 Steps Guide   Here are the 3 simple steps for you to follow and create a Flutter Project in Android Studio. Step 1: Create a Project Step 2: Add Project Details The Last Step: Finishing Touches Your journey to Flutter development in Android Studio is on a roll. Good job! If you have made it this far. Now, it is time to run the application. Run the Application Let’s Build Apps Today! While Flutter simplifies app development through cross-platform, Flutter development in Android Studio is a multi-step process with a few complexities along the way. By following the above-mentioned guideline, you will be able to successfully create a functioning environment. Keep in mind however, the little impacts of your device and network limitations. With several SDKs to extract and compile and multiple gigabytes of data to download, old hardware can easily get worn out. A bad internet connection is a no-go. With that being said, it is time to create. If your goal is to develop feature-rich mobile, desktop, and web interfaces with an ideal productivity ratio, Flutter is the best option with the IDE of Android Studio. if you don’t know how to develop app with flutter you easily hire flutter developers for this task from any reputed flutter app development company. Good luck with your future projects! If you still have any questions or confusion, you can ask about them in the comments. FlutterDesk would love to assist you in solving any of the Flutter development issues you’re dealing with.

Flutter Development in Android Studio – A Beginner’s Guide Read More »