How to Create Custom Cards in Flutter?

Let’s see what we’ve got at the start. Result: What now? Is this it? No, not really. We will need to customize the Flutter card ourselves. For now, this code will just create a default card on your app’s screen as in the screenshot above. Now, let’s customize Flutter cards.  Changing Flutter Card Color We can change the card color using the color property. As you can see in the code below: Result: Flutter Card Rounded Borders To make the card borders round, wrap the card’s child around a Container widget. Specify the rounded rectangle border for the card. And then do the same with the colored border side for the container. Result: As you can see the borders of the card have been rounded. Card Shadow in Flutter To make the card look more prominent, we use the elevation property that adds a shadow behind the card in Flutter. And you need to pass the elevation property for this. See the code: Result: Change Card Shadow Color in Flutter Now if you want to change the shadow color then you need to use shadowColor property. Here is the code: Result: As you can see, the shadow color has been changed to purple. Not a big deal for you now, isn’t it? 😉 Create Custom Card with Image and Buttons in Flutter Here is the final form of the Flutter card with customized shadow, border, and colors as well. Final Form: Here is the final form of the card with the image and button in Flutter. You can use the code and make the changes yourself to practice creating cards in Flutter. Conclusion In this blog, we have briefly discussed and learned about creating custom cards in Flutter. We have also learned how to create a card with an image and button in Flutter. Moreover, changing the Flutter card color and creating a rounded border won’t be an issue for you now.  In the end, we have provided you with the complete code for creating a card in Flutter. Use it and make changes according to your needs and enjoy enriching the user experiences. We continuously share such valuable information about Flutter app development. Just head over to our blog and you’ll find plenty of guides and information related to Flutter app development services. If you still have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments section. Our team of highly experienced flutter developers would love to assist you in any way possible.  Lastly, if you have a business idea and want to transform it into an app then you can hire flutter developers. We have a team of skilled Flutter developers entitled with open source contributors delivering top-notch tech solutions to businesses worldwide. Feel free to book a free discovery call with a Flutter developer today.

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