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May 9, 2022

Flutter Card Widget With Example | FlutterDesk

While building apps with Flutter, several UI/UX design elements collectively make your app more interactive. As the UI of your app defines its future, you should always value making the UI of your app as engaging as you can. This will increase the user retention rate, which is one of the major steps toward your app’s success. Dart provides ready-to-use material card classes that you can use to customize the visuals of the widget. The flutter card widget is a built-in widget in Flutter that helps you create design elements and add functionality to them. These cards make the application UI look more beautiful and easy to use. In this blog, we will get to know what card widgets in Flutter are and how these widgets work with an example. What is Flutter Card? The flutter card widget is an implementation of material design that includes buttons, expanding panels, animations, and much more. Material is a design system developed by Google that helps you build high-quality digital experiences for mobile, desktop, and web. The card can be a button, sheet, or box representing information related to a particular action or location. Creating a card in flutter is not a big deal. You just need to call the card constructor and then pass a widget as a child property. This will display the card and the action inside it. Let’s discuss the properties of the flutter card widget and explore it more clearly with the flutter card example. Related Post – disable back button flutter Properties of Card Widget Whenever we construct a card class in Flutter, it has the following attributes: borderOnForeground: This property requires a Boolean value as an input to decide whether to print the borders or not. clipBehavior: This property helps clipping the content inside the card, elevation: It takes the double value to decide the z-coordinate where the card should be positioned. color: This property assigns a background color to the card. shadowColor: It takes the color class as the object and assigns that color to the shadow. This color appears beneath the card and by default, the color is set to black. margin:  This property adds empty spaces around the card with the help of EdgeInsetsGeometry as the object. shape: This property specifies the shape of the card. For example circular border, beveled border, or stadium border. Flutter Card Example You can customize cards in Flutter by changing their attributes. Let’s have a look at an example for a better demonstration of the card widget in flutter. Result Conclusion Finally, you must have an idea about the cards in a flutter after going through this blog. FlutterDesk continues to help and encourage Flutter aspirants to learn newer development techniques and follow the latest development trends. Lastly, feel free to leave a comment and ask away any questions your mind is ticking.

Flutter Card Widget With Example | FlutterDesk Read More »

How to Install Flutter on Windows, macOS, Linux & Chrome

Flutter is Google’s launched framework that uses a single codebase system to build fast, productive, and beautiful apps. Although there are other development frameworks available, Flutter has its own significance in the software industry. It has several benefits over other platforms which makes it stand out in the market. As you know, the mobile app trends are evolving day by day, it’s becoming more challenging to build apps of the future. Similarly, development frameworks are advancing to cope with the newer and more complex challenges in mobile, web, and desktop app development. Moving on further, we will be discussing how to install flutter on different development platforms like windows, macOS, Linux, and chrome. It has never been so difficult to install flutter on any operating system. Having such beneficial and useful features to build apps, flutter has an easy installation process as well. You need to make sure that your system must meet the minimum requirements to install flutter. Let’s start with the basic steps to install flutter on windows, macOS, Linux, and Chrome OS. How to Install Flutter on Windows? To install flutter on windows, your system should first meet the minimum requirements. According to Flutter, the system requirements to install flutter and run it on windows are: Get the Flutter SDK You need to download the following installation bundle to get the latest stable release of the Flutter SDK. Download it now. You can visit the flutter SDK releases page for the latest releases and older builds. After downloading this zip file, extract the contained flutter SDK in your desired location. We recommend creating a new folder and extracting the SDK in that folder e.g C:\src\flutter). Flutter doesn’t recommend installing flutter in a directory like C:\Program Files\ that requires high privileges. Update the Path If you prefer running Flutter commands in the regular Windows console, you can add Flutter to the PATH environment variable. Just follow these steps: Enter ‘env’ from the window’s search bar and select Edit environment variables for your account. Check if there is an entry called ‘Path’ under user variables. If the entry exists, add the full path to flutter\bin using the symbol “;” as a separator from existing values. And if the entry doesn’t exist, create a new user variable. Name this variable as “Path” with the full path to flutter\bin as its value. You have to close and launch any existing console windows again for these changes to take effect. Run Flutter Doctor           Flutter doctor checks your environment and installation status to show if there are any platform dependencies you need to complete the setup. Run the following command and check the output carefully for any remaining task you may need to complete (report shows in the bold text).   C:\src\flutter>flutter doctor Once you have finished every task, you can run the flutter doctor command again to verify everything has been done correctly. Android Setup For android setup, you need to install android studio. Install Android Studio Follow these steps to install Android Studio. Set Up your Android Device You need an Android device running Android 4.1 (API level 16) or higher to run and test your Flutter app on an Android device. Install Flutter on macOS Installing flutter on macOS has never been so difficult. Flutter lays a simple and easy way to start development and build your first app and so on. To install flutter on macOS, your system must meet the following requirements: Get the Flutter SDK for macOS You can access other release channels and older builds of Flutter SDK for macOS from here. Finishing Installation Process After setting up the path, run the flutter doctor command ($ flutter doctor) so that you can identify if anything is left to finish the setup. See example: [-] Android toolchain – develop for Android devices     • Android SDK at /Users/obiwan/Library/Android/sdk     ✗ Android SDK is missing command-line tools; download from https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html#downloads     • Try re-installing or updating your Android SDK,       Visit https://docs.flutter.dev/setup/#android-setup for detailed instructions. The report mentions every missing dependency and gives you the solution. Install the missing dependencies and run the flutter doctor again to check if everything has been done perfectly. After all, you have to set up the platform. This includes iOS setup, Android setup, mac setup, and web set up. Head over to Flutter’s brief documentation about how to set up all platforms for macOS. Install Flutter on Linux To install flutter on Linux, your development environment must meet the following requirements: bash, curl, file, git 2.x, mkdir, rm, unzip, which, xz-utils, zip. Flutter also depends on shared libraries (libGLU.so.1) to be available on Linux. Get the Flutter SDK for Linux You can install flutter on Linux in two ways. Install Flutter Using Snapd To use snapd is the easiest way to install flutter on Linux. Install snapd from here. After installing snapd, you can install Flutter using Snap Store. You can also install flutter at the command line: $ sudo snap install flutter –classic. Install Flutter Manually If you don’t want to use snapd for flutter installation, you can also install flutter manually. Just follow these steps to install flutter on Linux OS. If you don’t want to install a fixed version, get the source code from the Flutter repo on GitHub. Run the following command: $ git clone https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git $ export PATH=”$PATH:`pwd`/flutter/bin” Pre-download the development binaries and run the following command: Finally, you are now ready to run Flutter commands. After doing all the steps mentioned above, run the flutter doctor command. This checks if there are any dependencies you need to complete the setup. Run the command $ flutter doctor (for verbose output, add the –v flag) to verify every installation dependency. Install Flutter on Chrome OS As for all other OS, your development environment must meet the minimum requirements. For Chrome OS, these are: The library is libGLU.so.1 which is provided by mesa packages such as libglu1-mesa on Ubuntu/Debian. Get the Flutter SDK The rest of the installation steps are the same as for the flutter installation on Linux OS. What

How to Install Flutter on Windows, macOS, Linux & Chrome Read More »