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Hiring A Mobile App Developer? Here’s What To Look For

Did you know users downloaded approximately 36.8 billion apps from the Google Play Store and App Store in the first quarter of 2022? This elicits the massive potential for mobile apps and a mobile app developer ultimately. In this era of digitalization, businesses must be mobile. Having a mobile app developed for your business can drive you a drastic amount of traffic and a user base that you can’t even imagine.

According to research, total user spending on mobile apps will reach almost 233 billion USD by 2026. This would be an incredible increase of over 76 percent as compared to total consumer spending registered in 2021. Owing to this, mobile apps can also generate massive revenue for your business. This will require you to implement several strategies. You can give “how do free apps make money” a read and you’ll have a clear idea of how mobile apps make money.

What is a Mobile App Developer?

A mobile app developer is a computer software engineer who works closely with the development framework and builds an app that can be run on different devices like mobile, tablets, smartwatches, etc. The mobile app developer has a keen knowledge of different programming languages that are required to code within the app.

In an app development company, developers work alongside a team containing a group of professionals with their respective tasks. The team may include graphic designers, data analysts, and other software experts who work collaboratively with each other. This collaborative work environment results in an effective workflow and work process. If you’re thinking of getting your mobile application developed, you should hire a mobile app developer and start the development of your mobile app right away.

How to Hire a Mobile App Developer?

There are several platforms from which you can find a mobile app developer to build a mobile app for your business. You can either hire a mobile app developer from a freelance marketplace or you can hire a mobile app developer on a dedicated resource basis from a mobile app development agency.

Let us get to know in detail how you can hire a mobile app developer. There are three different ways to hire a mobile app developer. These are as follows:

Hire a Freelance Mobile App Developer

One of the best ways to fulfill your mobile app development needs is to hire a freelance mobile app developer. Freelance marketplaces are trustworthy platforms when it comes to hiring any service provider. The terms and conditions of the marketplaces have led to a favorable and secure working environment.

You will find plenty of freelancers providing services of their expertise on freelance platforms such as Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancers, Guru, People Per Hour, and others. These platforms have strict guidelines for sellers that let them stick to clients’ requirements and deliver the work up to par.

How do clients make payments to freelancers?

There are different payment methods that you can choose to make payments to freelancers when they deliver the work. You can either pay them at a fixed price model, milestones, or hourly basis.

In the fixed-price model, the client presents its requirements for a task and the budget for it. The freelancer analyzes the extent of the project and then presents the time required to complete that task. Moreover, the client and the freelancer can negotiate pricing and project duration. After the agreement from both sides, the project starts and ends within the agreed timeframe and budget.

On the other hand, in the milestone model, the client and freelancer agree on a milestone to achieve for a specific amount of payment. As the freelancer does the work that has been decided for the milestone, he can deliver the work to the client. As the client accepts the delivery, the freelancer gets that amount.

Another model of making payments to freelancers is paying them on an hourly basis. The client agrees to an hourly rate bid made by a freelancer to complete the project. After all, the freelancer gets the amount for the number of hours they work for that client.

In-House Mobile App Developers

If you have bundles of dollars ready to spend on the development of your mobile app and you know how to manage a team of mobile app developers, then this option is for you. Hiring several mobile app developers in-house definitely costs more than any of the other approaches to hiring a mobile app developer.

Whenever you plan to hire an in-house team, you’ll need to cover the cost of several operations. This includes hiring new employees, training them, offering them different perks, and paying for their vacations.

Despite being costly, hiring in-house mobile app developers could be the most effective way for building a mobile app. There are several benefits of hiring an in-house team of mobile app developers. Some of them are easier communication, better project understanding, and team coordination. This collectively makes the development process more effective.

On the other hand, there are a few cons of hiring an in-house team of mobile app developers as well. These include; the high cost of hiring, high managing costs (equipment, vacations, etc.), and more time consuming.

Outsourcing to Mobile App Development Team

Another way to fulfill your mobile app development needs is to outsource your mobile app development projects. This is a great way to stay within budget while leveraging the skills of developers. There are a few drawbacks of outsourcing your app development projects as well. It could be language barriers or timezone differences that cause a communication gap that you won’t want to happen. You can only rely on an outsourcing company if it has a strong portfolio and is trusted by some other brands.

Outsourcing your mobile app development projects has several pros and cons. The pros of outsourcing mobile app development projects include; reduced cost, smooth workflows, and quick time to market. On the other hand, the cons of outsourcing a mobile app development project are failure risk, communication gap, low-quality code, etc.

Things to Consider Before Hiring a Mobile App Developer

Hiring a mobile app developer has never been so difficult. As we enlisted all the ways to hire a mobile app developer earlier, you won’t need to look out further in this regard.

Project Understanding

To start the development of your mobile app, you should have a complete understating of its needs. This is the most important part of any app development project. When reaching out to any app development company or any individual mobile developer, you should have a clear idea of what you are up to. It is so crucial for you to avoid scope creep during app development.

Project understanding includes a complete analysis of the nature of your mobile app. It could be the app features, its design, third-party integrations, etc. It’s better to have clear boundary lines before you start the development process. Because if you ask for changes after the app has been built then it is going to cost you extra and a waste of time too.

Expertise and Work Portfolio

Another thing that you should keep in consideration before hiring a mobile app developer is its expertise. You can ask him/her to show you any certifications (if they have any). Furthermore, you can ask them to show their portfolio of work if they built any apps in the past. This will give you a clear demonstration of the expertise of a mobile developers.

It is important to know the experience of a mobile developer because it requires knowledge and strong skills to build a market-oriented app. So, ask the developers if they have built any apps previously and see if it matches your business idea or not. It doesn’t matter if it does not match, but at least you can have a clear idea of the capability of that developer.

Additionally, you can also ask for the platform specialty of the developer. If you need an Android mobile app then ask for their experience working with Android frameworks like Android Studio, Java, XML, etc. Similarly, if you want an iOS app built then ask for their experience of working with Flutter, React Native, SwiftC, Xamarin, Ionic, etc.

The adaptability of Mobile App Developer

Mobile app trends keep changing as the technologies are changing. You have to be up-to-date with the development trends and technology updates. To accomplish that, developers should be adaptable enough to cope with newer technologies and development trends. They should be open to learning newer technologies and upgrading themselves to meet future demands. Otherwise, you will have to hire another services provider for which you’ll have to do all the evaluations again. And this is going to cost you more and ultimately the time will be wasted.

App Maintenance

In any app development project, maintenance of your app is a must as it will undergo certain errors and bugs in near future. And it is a major trait of any app development company to provide you with post-launch support. After your app goes live, you will have to face several issues which you have to counter. Owing to this, most app development companies provide post-launch support and work hand in hand with their clients. This is going to help you a lot in the future as you’ll come across many issues after people install the app.

Communication Skills

The communication gap is one of the major issues with most app owners because they don’t value it much while hiring an app development company or a developer. This leads them to many issues like not understanding the languages properly and not aligning with each other’s timezone.

You should value communicating language and working hours before onboarding any app development company. Because when you start a project without deciding on it, you won’t get to work in the same timeframe and there will be a communication gap if you need to discuss anything about your app.

Almost all renowned app development companies have flexible working hours. They have a dedicated team manager who will get in touch with you whenever you have any queries or suggestions to make.

Salary of Mobile App Developer

The salary of a mobile developer varies from region to region and its expertise as well. There are three levels of a mobile app developer according to their experience and skills. We categorize them as follows:

  1. Mobile App Developer (Entry Level)
  2. Senior Mobile App Developer (Adept)
  3. Lead Mobile App Developer (Expert)

The average salary of a mobile app developer in the USA ranges from $85,000 to $95,000 per annum. At the same time, a senior mobile app developer makes $130,000 to $145,000 annually. And a lead mobile app developer makes $135,000 to $150,000 per annum.

The salary of a mobile app developer could vary up and down a little because different firms offer different salary packages. Moreover, there are some other designations of a mobile app developer as well. These are senior mobile developers, staff mobile developers, etc.

Want to Hire a Mobile App Developer?

If you got a business idea that you want to turn into a mobile app, then go for it. At Flutterdesk, you get to have highly qualified and skilled mobile app developers for hire. Surprisingly, our budgeting focuses on the clients’ pockets. Despite other app development companies in USA, our cost estimation perfectly aligns with clients’ requirements. Hire a mobile app developer today and turn your business ideas into reality.

Picture of Bashir Ahmad

Bashir Ahmad

When not savoring tortillas, Bashir captivates readers with helpful and engaging prose, driven by his passion for Flutter and a dedication to providing value.

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